While Singapore is renowned for its large number of affordable car rental companies, some may never meet your expectation. No wonder you should never make a hiring a decision blindly no matter how late you may be for the trip. Remember, nothing can spoil a vacation like a bad long-term car rental experience.
But how can you separate the good from the bad while searching for a reputable car rental company in Singapore to leverage? To help make your quest easier, here are common red flags depicting you’re falling for a bad car rental company.
Lack of a Vehicle Inspection Report
When you check-in at the car rental desk to pick up your car, they should either walk you to the car to inspect it with a car rental representative or offer a vehicle inspection report. Not having this report is a clear indication that you may be falling for a bad long-term car rental! Relying on such a company is quite similar to digging your own grave since you might incur more costs than thought at first.
Lack of a vehicle inspection report may force you to pay for the bumps and scratches caused by the last driver. Well, this is a situation you never want to find yourself in at any particular time. So, look for an affordable car rental company that offers the inspection report before signing the contract.
Asking You to Pre-pay for Gas
At times, prepaying an entire tank of gas might work in your favor. But that’s not to say you should be pressurized into repaying for gas. Actually, you need to stick to your word and decline the expensive prepaid fueling option when renting a car. For things to turn out how you expect, be sure to fill up at a reasonable price, after which you can return your rental car.
Wrapping Up
Not every affordable car rental company in Singapore you stumble across can be trusted. Some only want to take advantage of unsuspecting clients by promising them what they cannot achieve. Be wary of such companies since they may end up duping you off your hard-earned money.
For you to have a remarkable experience after opting for long-term car rental, why not check out BizLink Rent-a-Car? After all, they offer one of the most competitively priced car rental deals in Singapore.